Mr Brian J, Kent - Ona Group
"Original purchase with Lion Resorts Cyprus then transferred to Ona Group"
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At Cancel Our Timeshare, we've see a sharp increase in enquiries from WimPen Leisure customers seeking help in solving their timeshare problems with Los Claveles, Las Rosas, Sueño Azul & El Marques in Tenerife; Las Brizas & Las Casitas in Lanzarote; and Club Buena Vista, Costa del Sol, Spain.
The Spanish Supreme Court issued ground-breaking judgments on Timeshare mis-selling in 2015 which set wide-reaching legal precedents and triggered a wave of similar cases, with Timeshare Resorts/Groups being ordered to pay out refunds of up to £40,000 to owners of timeshares in the Canary Islands and other parts of Spain.
In light of these major developments, it is very important to find out your rights and see whether your contract has been affected. It could save you fortunes in future timeshare fee liabilities and you may even be entitled to claim back some or all of the money you have paid out.
It is important to stress that Cancel Our Timeshare does not buy or sell timeshares or any other holiday products and is entirely independent of the Timeshare Resorts, Groups, "Industry Bodies", "Resellers" or other organisations who benefit from the Timeshare fees that you pay them, whether directly or indirectly - so the advice we offer is unbiased.
To see your options for getting out of your WimPen Timeshare contract commitments and to find out if you hve grounds for a claim, please complete the SEE YOUR OPTIONS form or call us now on 0203 6704 616.
Any information you provide will be held safely and securely and will not be passed to any third party without your express permission, in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
For FREE expert advice on how to solve your Timeshare problems and to see whether you may have been mis-sold, please call one of our friendly advisors now on 0203 6704 616 or use the short form above to see your options.
We’ll listen to your concerns, then advise you on your best options for exiting your Timeshare contract and whether you have potential grounds for a mis-selling claim.